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1,000 Miles in a Machilla: Travel and Sport in Nyasaland, Angoniland, and Rhodesia, With Som... by Olivia Spencer-Churchill Co... ISBN: 9781297943478 List Price: $28.95
The Cruise of the Betsey, Or, a Summer Holiday in the Hebrides: With Rambles of a Geologist,... by William Samuel Symonds, Hug... ISBN: 9781357279530 List Price: $29.95
The United States of America: A Pictorial History of the American Nation from the Earliest D... by Edward Everett Hale, Willia... ISBN: 9781357580056 List Price: $29.95
The United States of America; A Pictorial History of the American Nation from the Earliest D... by Edward Everett Hale, Willia... ISBN: 9781356224333 List Price: $29.95
The History of Hydur Naik, Otherwise Styled Shums UL Moolk, Ameer Ud Dowla, Nawaub Hydur Ali... by William Miles, Kirmani Husa... ISBN: 9781356443284 List Price: $29.95
Highjacking America's Ailing Health Care System Reform: Risks Repeating Past Mistakes Endang... by Johnson, J.D.,LL.M, William... ISBN: 9781534988064 List Price: $14.99
Fifteen Thousand Miles On the Amazon and Its Tributaries by Charles Barrington Brown, W... ISBN: 9781297558498 List Price: $30.95
Shajrat Ul Atrak: Or The Genealogical Tree Of The Turks And Tatars by Chan), William Miles ISBN: 9781296580537 List Price: $28.95
Down the Yukon and up the Mackenzie: 3,200 Miles by Foot and Paddle by William Ogilvie ISBN: 9781297618727 List Price: $21.95
Two Thousand Miles' Ride Through the Argentine Provinces, With a Historical Retrospect by William MacCann ISBN: 9781297693496 List Price: $27.95
Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by William Craft, Ellen Craft ISBN: 9781297492501 List Price: $21.95
Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, a Journey of 3,200 Miles by Canoe and Snow Shoe Through th... by Arthur Heming, James Willia... ISBN: 9781298590268 List Price: $26.95
General Remarks On Stables, and Examples of Stable Fittings by William Miles ISBN: 9781296729370 List Price: $22.95
The Foundations of Japan: Notes Made During Journeys of 6,000 Miles in the Rural Districts A... by John William Robertson Scott ISBN: 9781297651540 List Price: $29.95
A Thousand-mile Walk to the Gulf by William Frederic Badè, John... ISBN: 9781296577230 List Price: $25.95
Across the Sub-Arctic of Canada, a Journey of 3,200 Miles by Canoe and Snowshoe Through the ... by James Williams Tyrrell, Art... ISBN: 9781297782251 List Price: $26.95
A Mile of Gold: Strange Adventures on the Yukon by William Stanley ISBN: 9781297820090 List Price: $25.95
The Correspondence of William Augustus Miles on the French Revolution, 1789-1817; by William Augustus Miles, Cha... ISBN: 9781355914570 List Price: $29.95
The United States of America; A Pictorial History of the American Nation from the Earliest D... by Edward Everett Hale, Willia... ISBN: 9781355254607 List Price: $29.95
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